Monday, March 9, 2009

I have never been cut off

Is that a statement to be proud of or only a virtue of exclusion or plain luck?

I certainly am quite worthy of it tonight. The only thing that I enjoy about drunkenness is the loose lucidity. Everything is very clear for a very prominent moment and then it all blurs to an extent that I can't even begin to articulate. That makes things all the more frustrating. I'd like to write more when I am this inebriated but the constant use of the backspace button (I just used it three times on the word "backspace" [and six times on the mention of the word "'backspace'"]) is very frustrating. So I will resist all urges.

The person who was cut off at the bar tonight seemed quite embarrassed about it, as did the bartender. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had to cut someone off. He did state that most of the time he gave consideration to the fact whether the person was driving or walking. I think I'd like to be cut off once at least. It would give credence to me experiencing a lot of new things in the last year of my 20s. I was arrested when I was 19, so that's out. Maybe I could get cut off in an exotic location, like Las Vegas or New Orleans.

Do they cut anyone off in a recession?

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