Total miles driven: 10,305
Number of states visited: 38
Number of stops: 22
Number of interstates driven: 34
Bottles of caffeinated beverages consumed: 20 (approximation)
Longest single day drive (hours): 13 (Manchester, NH to Cleveland, OH)
Number of Wall Drug billboards in South Dakota: 600,000 (approximation)
Number of anti-abortion billboards seen: 13 (Kansas 7, Iowa 2, South Dakota 2, Montana 1)
Number of museums visited: 12
Number of museums with a map better than PAM's: 12 (including the Spam Museum in Austin, MN)
Number of animals killed accidentally: 0, although I was in the car when a squirrel decided to run out in front of Alex's car
Car damage: Small crack in windshield
Human damage: Cramp in leg during sleep made for a painful couple of days in Iowa adding to sniffles caught in St. Louis
Worst food: McDonald's, Wichita, KS and Waffle House, Montgomery, AL
Best food: Clancy's, New Orleans
I can't think of what other stats, although some keep coming to me. Ideas welcome. Map of route forthcoming.