Saturday, April 25, 2009

Glass break

The cop stands beside his motorcycle, still as a statue, pointing his radar gun menacingly in my direction. As I slow down even below the speed limit as I wasn't going that fast, I pass him. I look in the rear view mirror, dreading him getting on his bike and chasing me down for some infraction. But he doesn't.

I think the worst state I've encountered yet for speeding violations is Virginia. It's also the only state where radar detectors are illegal. The thing that was a bit freaky was how the cops used unmarked Chevy Impalas, so you could never be sure the car speeding up behind you was a cop or not. Ohio I've known about for a long time. I remember when I was driving from Detroit to Oklahoma back in early 2002, I saw six cop cars in the last 30 miles of I-70 that are in Ohio. Texas has a lot of speeders and I almost always saw a cop with a car pulled over.

I like St. Louis. I've been here before but I've never hung out over here. I got in about 5 and met up with Pierre after he got off work, and as we were driving around looking for a place to eat, we picked up some ticket to the baseball game from a scalper and ended up standing for three hours watching the Cardinals beat the Cubs. This was probably my last chance to catch a baseball game on this trip, good to have managed to squeeze it in.

John Irving's character had his car vandalized in Joliet, Illinois. Mine was fine when I left the city, but between Joliet and DeKalb a pebble hit my windshield and now I've got a crack on the passenger side. Darn semis.

View Leg 19: St. Louis in a larger map

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