Sunday, April 12, 2009


I wonder if it's intentional when states say pretty much the same thing on their road signs but in just slightly different ways. Some states go for simplicity (ICY BRIDGE) while others are a little more long-winded ($500 Fine for Throwing Trash on Highway in Georgia versus the more succinct California warning $1000 Fine for Littering). Alabama on the other hand seems to depend less on punishment and more on the good nature of people, asking rather ungrammatically Please Don't Litter: Keep Alabama the Beautiful. There's even variation in the simplest of signs, the speed limit. Most states do say Speed Limit but some just simply say Speed. Which does leave room for argument when the cop stops you. Some states also have speed minimums, usually 40, but this seems to be a southern Midwest and south phenomenon. Most states don't bother telling you how they are enforcing their speeding laws, but some do say Radar Enforced or Speed Enforced by Aircraft (that never makes sense to me; is it really cost-effective?). Georgia again comes up trumps with the oddest sign as regards this with the rather disingenuous Speed Enforced by Detection Devices. Right.

Atlanta is surprisingly green and it's a gorgeous day. The High Museum is gorgeous architecturally, although the museum itself left me a little unimpressed with its collection. The interior and exterior of the building are great though, and oddly enough they have their very own Bosnian security guard who I had a lengthy conversation with. Much younger and way less cool than Miro of course, but a nice guy nonetheless with the strange name of Elvis. If any of my museum people read this, please tell Miro and say hi for me.

View Leg 11: Atlanta in a larger map

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