Thursday, April 2, 2009

Double Down

In the end, I stopped in Vegas. I drove the strip and found this rinky dink motel in the middle. I then looked up what I might do with my evening, found a bar called the Double Down Saloon, supposed to be the original Vegas punk rock dive bar. And yes, it totally is that. I walked there, about 3 miles or so, and along the way, saw a john picking up a streetwalker. And boy, could she streetwalk! Here's what I wrote at the Double Down:

Portland's turned me into a drinker, so in a change from previous road trips, I'm seeking out bars. I looked online for a Las Vegas bar, and found this, the Double Down. Almost immediately upon walking in, I met these two guys that set up the ring for Mexican wrestling shows [I actually sat at their spot on the bar by mistake]. The guys are Steve from Syracuse, NY and Grant from Missouri. They are now playing pool after Grant demolished me. We played for a drink; probably the only gamble I'll lose in this gambling town. Steve tells me how Grant lost 80 dollars to a lesbian in Los Angeles, where these guys live. Their regular gigs seem to be film production. The movie Steve is working on is called Fully Loaded. It's adapted from a play and the director is the sister of Jeremy Piven (from Entourage, I think he's the agent fellow) and the wife of Adam McKay (?), the director of a couple of Will Ferrell movies. Steve is definitely nicer and friendlier than Grant, but Grant is also way more drunk.

This is truly a pre-smoking ban Portland dive bar. Reminds me a bit of Slabtown or the Bitter End, or the Sandy Hut on goth night. It's a little raunchier than those places, primarily because of non-stop weird videos on the (small) screens above the bar.

There's some bingo going on. The first prize is a sexy calendar featuring a hot Mormon missionary who got kicked out of the church for doing it. I don't really know how to play bingo but I think I've got it figured out. I think I will be getting a cab to the motel pretty soon.

My temporary friends seem to have disappeared. Ah, there they are. Steve wanted to exchange emails, I don't really want to so his distraction is probably for the best. The bingo woman in a tall goth chick. Her friend is pretty hot. They are probably dating.

I spoke too soon: Steve and I just exchanged info. But he bought me another beer so I really can't complain. I think a seat at the bar is called for. I want to see these crazy videos.


Soon after this, I finished my beer and had the doorman (named Ugly, apparently) call me a cab. Two arrived at the same time and a little back-and-forth ensued between the cabbies, one Israeli and the other Ethiopian. I ended up with the Israeli, who proceeded to try to persuade me to get a massage with a "happy ending". He handed me a card with a naked girl on it with his reference number (the scan is of the other card he gave me. I didn't feel comfortable putting the other one on here). I asked him if he made money on this and of course he said no, it was just to vouch for the customer. He doesn't give these out to just anybody. Right. We get to the motel, and I give him a twenty for my 12 dollar fair. I then hand him a five for tip and he says good night. He was testing how drunk I was, which was not very at all, so I asked for my change. He gave me only seven back, whatever, I let it go. And then he asked me for the tip I'd already given him. What a shyster.

I'm glad I got to have a Portland sort of evening. Met some interesting and nice people, although a little weird too. Grant asked the cabbies if they knew someplace where he could score some blow, while Steve kept up the generosity and bought me a Double Down t-shirt. What a nice guy. I'll have to warn my roommates that I offered him a place to stay if he ever comes to Portland.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha! It's funny because Jews are cheap!

    You really should have gotten the 'happy ending', you know. Or are you saving that story for your erotic blog? For which you have not yet given me the link? That'll also be a good place to write about what REALLY went down with those 'Nice young ladies' you stayed with.
