Thursday, April 9, 2009

Work Zone Awareness Week

Driving in Texas, I felt like I was back in LA, although even the aggressiveness of the large men with large trucks with small penile appendages doesn't compare with the bonzai drivers of LA. I made really good time to Austin from Oklahoma this morning primarily because everyone was going so fast and I only stopped once.

Last night was spent in Oklahoma City with Ryan and Lindsay. I must say that both of them are so astonishingly easy to get along with I really want them to move to Portland. They want to move to Seattle, but I've been talking up Portland because it is cheaper and a little easier to live in. Ryan I've known for quite a while; he's my old roommate Zack's best friend. He's one of those people I don't keep in touch with too well but whenever we see each other we pretty much pick up right where we leave off without any trouble. It was fun hanging out last night with him and then this morning I had breakfast with both of them before driving into Austin.

View Leg 7: Oklahoma City in a larger map

Sixth Street isn't really terribly touristy and I found parking with ease too. Right now, I'm at this place called Moonshine, a little bit off Sixth, getting some much-needed food. Feeling a little woozy actually from hunger. It's a bit clean, this bar, I probably should have checked out something a bit more run down like the Shakespeare's Pub. Darwin's Pub was one place I walked into but Chumbawumba was playing in there, so I left. I chatted with some people outside a bar called The Library and they recommended the Moonshine and now I'm going to dig into my chicken sandwich. Leigh, who I was planning on staying with tonight, isn't feeling too well. I might give her a call and see if she wants to hang out for a bit before I drive on to San Antonio where I'm staying with Charla (another Zack connection, Charla was the girl he was dating when I moved to Stillwater and lived with him for the first time). She's been nice enough to put me up for the evening. New Orleans is tomorrow, where I'm having dinner at Clancy's, a restaurant managed (I believe) by a friend of (current roommate) Scott. I spoke with him yesterday on the phone and he was super nice so I'm looking forward to that.

View Leg 8: Austin and San Antonio in a larger map

1 comment:

  1. only extinct bands in the Darwin jukebox. or maybe it's just naturally bad selection.
